MMA Belt Class

Our Mixed Martial Arts Belt Class is where students get more hands on training beyond the Workout Program.

Kickboxing partner drills, wrestling takedowns, and jiu jitsu techniques are combined to give students a well rounded base of striking and grappling.

Our Belt Class is composed of both men and women of varying skill levels. There is no “fighting” involved, rather, controlled contact based on your skill level.

Belts are awarded as students attend class consistently and demonstrate their skill progression during live rounds and/or compete. Though, you do not have to "fight” or compete to earn a belt.

Every student’s path and goals are different. It’s the individual journey we recognize and reward with a new belt, not how they compare to their classmates.

This class (or school) is not designed for those that want to pursue a fighting career or compete regularly.

Those that are interested in Self Defense, nogi jiu jitsu, or becoming a “martial artist” and earning a Black Belt, are encouraged to try our MMA Belt Class!

This class is one hour long. Boxing gloves, shinguards, mouthpiece, rashguard, fight shorts/spats, are encouraged.


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