6 Week Anti Charity


You must check in for your daily/weekly Personal Goal here or via text/IG to Kumu eric, otherwise you will automatically be penalized $10.

Those with multiple goals will be penalized for EACH failed goal.

You can also friend me and check in via the app Habit Tracker.


Oct 11 - Nov 24

$29 entry

To stay fit, do good, and accomplish personal goals before the Holidays through use of financial and peer motivators.

Exclusive long sleeved dry fit t shirts for those that successfully complete the Anti Charity Challenge! These won’t be for sale, you can only earn them.

Exclusive long sleeved dry fit t shirts for those that successfully complete the Anti Charity Challenge! These won’t be for sale, you can only earn them!

Must meet 3 Goals to succeed:

  1. Attendance = any 3 classes a week MINIMUM

  2. Personal = daily/weekly goal & deadline, agreed upon between yourself & Kumu eric.

  3. Altruist = 2 hours minimum volunteering at a charity of your choice.

Anti Charity Penalty

For EVERY occurrence you miss the Attendance or Personal goals, your account will AUTOMATICALLY be debited $10 and donated to the Anti Charity.

  • A valid credit card must be linked to your Fitli app, which will be used for the penalty debits

In addition, a public scoreboard will display everyone’s progress, including a running total of your Anti Charity Penalties!

How To Win

ALL 3 standards below must be met to win:

  1. Completing your volunteer Altruist deed.

  2. Complete 3 classes a week for 4 out of the 6 weeks.

  3. Donating no more than $60 to the Anti Charity.


  • Classes do NOT carry over to other weeks e.g. Week 1 of 6 classes does not start you with 3 classes for Week 2.

  • Saturday Sweat counts as 1 class.

  • If you are penalized $70 you are automatically out of the competition.

  • Can perform a Saving Grace 4 mile run outdoors/on a treadmill in lieu of 1 class.

    • Saving Grace run can only be used 3x total and only if you have attended 2 classes in a week (so you can’t run 8 miles in 1 week while only attending 1 class).

  • If you have a scheduled trip you can perform a Saving Grace Week, as to not be penalized:

    • 1 assigned follow along Virtual Dojo workout

    • 1 Saving Grace Run

    • 1 mutually approved workout

  • This Saving Grace Week can only be performed ONE time during the challenge and advanced notice must be given.

  • Must give Kumu eric Runkeeper log or other proof of run.

  • Failure to check in on your daily/weekly Personal goal is an automatic penalty.


Sticker Rewards


24 Hour Lockdown